
vrijdag 2 november 2012

less fat, more muscle!

In this blog i am going to show u some workout video's!

I am going to show you guys some workouts that i use to lose fat or to get my body shaped.
I did NOT made these videos but i picked these because it showed the most improvements at my body

The best workout to burn your fat if you don't like cardio!

Shoulder Workout

Bicep Workout

Chest Workout

Sixpack Workout

I am NOT the guy in these video's but i tried these workouts by myself and it showed a lot of improvements.

If you know a better workout please leave a comment below.

Share this with your Family & Friends, Thankyou!

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1 reacties:

Unknown zei

i still use the chest workouts en it works very well, but my bicep workout isn't good at all, any one who knows a good workout? please comment me!

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